“How to Read’’ Participation Fees?
The information you have all been waiting for is here! Participation Fees are published HERE.
Before you start checking out the table, please read this article, which will help you understand its concept.
The Participation Fee is composed of four different factors – this basically means that your fee and the fee of your friend can be different. Before you start calculating, you should ask yourself the following questions:
1.) How many days will I spend at the Festival?
At the registration, which opens on 15th December 2020, you will need to choose a package deal: a full package deal (for 8 days) or a half package deal (for 4 days).
We highly recommend you stay with us for the whole 8-day experience. Otherwise, you can regret it! 😊
2.) How old are you?
The aim of the Europa Cantat Festival is to encourage the youth. This is why young participants have lower Participation Fees. The rule in this case is: a participant has to be under 27 years of age on July 17th 2021. This applies for all three Country Groups.
3.) Where do you live?
Since its beginnings, the European Choral Association ECA-EC has valued the solidarity principle, which regulates the level of Participation Fee depending on the country of origin. The countries are therefore divided in three groups (Country Group 1, Country Group 2, Country Group 3). Country Group 1 comprises those countries with the highest standard of living – consequently, the Participation Fee is the highest for the participants coming from these countries. Country Group 3 is the opposite – it unites the countries with the lowest standard of living, which is the reason the Participation Fee is the lowest. The Country Group 2 is somewhere in the middle.
Find the list of countries and the group they belong to HERE.
4.) Are you a member of ECA-EC?
Being a member of the ECA-EC brings you a discount on the Participation Fee. We wrote about it HERE.
The first part of the Participation Fee (Registration Fee) costs €60,00 (including VAT) per person, regardless of the membership status, Country Group or age of the participants. This sum must be paid before the application deadline, i.e. by 15th February 2021 to confirm the registration, and it will only be refunded under exceptional circumstances (for these exceptions, please see Force Majeure and Covid-19 related cancellation HERE).
The second part of the Participation Fee (festival ticket) must be paid by 15th May 2021. If the Participation Fee is not paid by the participant/group/choir by 15th May 2021, the registration shall be considered cancelled.
There you have it – the table is now much more familiar, right?
Find it HERE – share it with you friends, let everybody know about the Europa Cantat Festival! 🙂
the Team