Discovery Ateliers

Due to programme changes, the Discovery ateliers took a hybrid form: with the conductor and some singers present in Ljubljana and everybody else singing along to the choir sound on the free online festival TV every morning of the festival between 11.30 AM and 12.30 PM.

Do you seek a different programme each morning? Visit our one-morning discovery ateliers and explore stylistically varied aspects of choral music, and learn about less common genres and techniques.


Discovery ateliers took place every festival morning between 11.30 AM and 12.30 PM on the online festival TV.

Saturday, 17 JulyInteligent ChoirJim Daus Hjernøe (DK)Video
Sunday, 18 JulyBreathing Life Into MusicKim Nazarian (US), Katarina Henryson (SE)Video
Monday, 19 JulyIcebreakersTine Fris-Ronsfeld (DK)Video
Tuesday, 20 JulyOpen throat voice technique for choirZvezdana Novaković (SI)Video
Wednesday, 21 JulyThe (un)known vocal world of the Gregorian chantKatarina Šter (SI)Video
Thursday, 22 JulyChoireography For CanonsPanda van Proosdij (NL), Tom Johnson (BE)Video

The list of lectures is pending further updates.