C-level ateliers: Instructions on how to prepare a recording
Are you interested in the atelier of level C?
All ateliers at the festival are arranged in levels from A to D. The C-level ateliers are for choirs and singers who audition and come prepared.
What kind of recording are we talking about?
When the registration opens on 15 December 2020, you’ll indicate your top 3 workshop wishes in the registration from. If one of those choices will be a C-level atelier, you’ll have to upload a recording as well.
The instructions for registering to a C-level atelier are as follows:
- Date of recording: 2019 or 2020
- Format: mp3, mp4 or a YouTube clip
- File size: max 100mB
Type of song and number of recordings:
- Individual participant: 1 recording (song, aria or a choral piece with band or a capella) no more than 3 minutes
- Group (couple, friends or family): 1 or 2 recordings, no more than 3 min each, with solo performancec of each member (song, aria or a choral piece with band or a capella).
Please, mark each singer on the recording. If this is not possible, write it down in the comments at the end of the registration form; - Vocal ensemble (C7 or C8 ateliers): 2 recordings (no more than 3 min each) of your a cappella songs of different styles
- Choir: 1 recording of an a capella choir song (DO NOT upload arrangements of pop or folk songs) no more than 4 minutes
Find all the C-level ateliers HERE (click).
Keep smiling!
The Team