The (un)known vocal world of the Gregorian chant
Katarina Šter (SI)
Type: Classical
In a similar way as the historians who have overcome the deeply-rooted notions on the “dark times” of the Middle Ages, choral singers have just as well eliminated the prejudices of the boring and “simple” monophonic Gregorian chant. In this atelier, we will discover the modes of delivering texts and creating melodies of this incredibly fascinating musical world, which will undoubtedly broaden our concept of music. The atelier will be carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Musicology at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU).
Singer, musicologist and comparative-literature scholar Katarina Šter (SI) devotes a lot of attention to uncovering mysterious and complex connections between lyrics and music in early music. She performs as an independent singer and participates in several early music ensembles and in choirs. She perfected her musicology skills of Gregorian chant with Jurij Snoj at the Institute of Musicology (ZRC SAZU) and gained her singing experience with Franz Karl Prassl at the University of Art in Graz as well as with Kathleen Dineen, Katarina Livljanić, Kelly Landerkin and Dominique Vellard at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, where she also obtained her master’s degree in early music singing (the medieval-Renaissance track). She works as a research fellow at the Institute of Musicology (ZRC SAZU).