Música, por favor! (in cooperation with America Cantat)
As a mosaic of sound, the last 120 years of Argentinian repertoire boast great versatility in composition, inspiration sources (poetry, religion, ethnicity, popular trends) as well as rhythmic and sound pursuits which are most typical of its culture. Spin your mental music globe and visit country of said versatility with music of Piazzolla and Ginastera!
Alberto Ginastera (1916–1983):
I. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam (Lamentationes 1:12,20.20; 3:66)
II. Ego vir videns paupertatem mean (Lamentationes 3:1,2,4,6,8,18)
III. Recordare Domine quid acciderit nobis (Lamentationes 5:1,21,19)
Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992)/Javier Zentner (1951):
SERIE DEL ANGEL (onomatopoeic syllables)
2. La Muerte del Ángel
3. Resurrección del Ángel
Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992)/Gustavo Maldino (1957):
ADIÓS NONINO (Eladia Blázquez)
Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992)/Silvana Vallesi (1962):
SILFO Y ONDINA (onomatopoeic syllables)
1. Tangata
The participants will be able to attend the atelier with original scores only. The use of photocopies shall not be permitted. We will offer affordable set of sheet music specified by the mentor of the atelier. The participants will be able to purchase them only after receiving the confirmation of participation in the chosen atelier. The link to the online store will be published here in April 2021.
Silvana Vallesi (AR)
Vallesi leads the Coro Universitario de Mendoza UNCUYO, an exceptional instrument of her experimentation in sound and interpretation of Latin-American contemporary repertoire, together with its composers. She offers concerts and masterclasses in Latin-American Choral Music in America and Europe. Her conducting earned her many titles, such as the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing, or the first Latin American Laureate Choir.