Virtual Foyer – Let’s meet online!

It was always very important for us to keep the Europa Cantat Festival spirit alive, despite not being able to meet all together in the same place (this time!) and to find a way to gather virtually people from all over the world.
During 17 – 22 July, open non-stop, where you get to meet new & old friends from all around Europe and beyond.
With different areas, ranging from the conductors’ LOUNGE, the creative CORNER, the vox BAZAAR, as well as Tivoli PARK, Ljubljana CASTLE and Congress SQUARE, we want to ‘make your stay’ as interactive and entertaining as possible.
Opening Broadcast | July 17 | 19:00
Virtual Help Desk | Daily | 08:00Closing Broadcast | July 22 | 19:00
Daily input July 17 – July 22 | 12:30 – 13:00 and 19:00 – 20:00 in some of the following areas:

- Conductor’s LOUNGE: meet the festival’s discovery atelier conductors, as well as reading sessions and PULSE’s lecturers – connect and ask further questions
- Vox BAZAAR: discover different choral organisations from across Europe
- Music CLUB: everything and anything about the musical offer: meet our atelier conductors and the festival’s music commission
- Creative CORNER: a corner to be creative, to develop ideas, to ask for feedback, to share interesting input
- Icebreaker AREA: short questions, get-to-know-each other rounds, pub quiz etc
All you need to know while using
- Move your avatar around by clicking and holding down the mouse key on the place you want to go
- Get close to other people’s avatars to make a video conversation with them pop up
- Move away from people to leave the conversation